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SNTIC Agenda Has No Oakland Raiders Las Vegas NFL Stadium Action Item For June 23rd

SNTIC Agenda Has No Oakland Raiders Las Vegas NFL Stadium Action Item For June 23rd - Video

SNTIC Agenda Has No Oakland Raiders Las Vegas NFL Stadium Action Item For June 23rd In just posting the agenda for the June 23rd meeting of the Southern Nevada Tourism and Infrastructure Committee, the SNTIC is clearly sending the message that the evaluation of the expansion of the Las Vegas Convention Center is far and away first priority over an NFL stadium for the Oakland Raiders in Sin City. Contrary to some reports that the “Nevada Committee” would recommend the Raiders stadium over LVCC Expansion on the same June 23rd date, the new agenda has no action item related to football. But it does have two action items related to fuel use at McCarran International Airport, and on a recommendation document that if accepted will be part of the final report to the Governor of Nevada, and then to the Infrastructure Committee of the Nevada Legislature. In other words, the SNTIC, while important, is by no means the final decision making body on Oakland Raiders Owner Mark Davis' path to any success he seeks in Las Vegas. Indeed, in partnering with Sheldon Adelson and his staffers, Davis is with a group that is not the greatest political power in Nevada. People don't jump when Adelson snaps his fingers. This fact is compounded by the hubris Adelson and his charges exhibit in trying to fix the media message to report a positive outcome for their objective – how many times have media reporters who elected to parrot their points of view wound up with egg on their face this year? Well, working backward, we have this week's error as reported by the posting of what's marked as the “final agenda” for June 23rd and it not even mentioning any approval of a stadium plan. Then we had the total bonehead reports that completely ignored the fact that the hotel tax revenue was already ear-marked for LVCC and done on the same NFL Draft April 28th day that Mark Davis first spoke to the SNTIC, all the while writing as if the use of the same hotel tax would be done BEFORE recommendation of it's use by the SNTIC! Got that? The main problem here is the traditional media types don't take time to read the documents presented on the website. They're content to quote someone, and thus feed false gossip. That's why I don't call myself a journalist; I'm a blogger and vlogger. I don't just go quote someone just to get a voice to say what I want printed – I seek to understand what's really happening, and to do that one has to conduct research and find the right documents, then compare what those docs say against what they're told. But I digress. The June 23rd meeting will have a stadium workshop to talk about proposal alternatives. That should give anyone an idea of how this is really going for The Raiders. Stay in Oakland. Stay tuned.
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